Goodbye Golden State: Ex-Californians seek out lower costs of living

Californians are making moves to other states. California’s population recently decreased for the first time in memory, declining 0.46% from January 2020 to January 2021. For reference, the past two decades have seen the population increase around 1% each year. Where are all of these California residents going? Of those former Californians who purchased a […]

Rental Market Tracker: Rents Up 13%, Outpaced by 17% Growth in Monthly Mortgage Payments

However, a handful of cities across the country saw rents rise more than 30% from a year earlier, including Miami, Seattle, Portland, OR and Austin. Average monthly rents increased 13% nationwide over the past year, the highest growth rate in at least two years. The national median monthly mortgage payment for homebuyers posted even bigger […]

Cities Rush to Use Infrastructure Bill to Fund State and Local Projects

Clean energy and grid-related investments and incentives for public-private partnerships are likely. By Paul Bergeron | November 18, 2021 at 07:34 AM An influx of cities are already reaching out for guidance to implement changes across their real estate portfolios as a result of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill signed by President Biden this week, JLL reported. “The bill includes […]

Zillow exits home flipping after getting burned in hot market

Flipping homes isn’t like flipping pancakes, folks. Now, Zillow is learning this lesson the hard way. Zillow first launched its Zillow Offers program in 2018. Under the program, Zillow purchases homes directly from sellers, makes improvements when necessary, and then lists (read: flips) these homes for sale. Sellers working with Zillow are able to select their closing date […]